If the United Kingdom did become the 51st state of the United States of America it would be VERY good news for the Democrats. 67% of Brits surveyed by YouGov would vote for either Hillary Clinton (50%) or the Democratic Socialist Senator from Vermont, Bernie Sanders (17%) – in this year’s presidential race.
Mrs Clinton would win five times as many votes as Donald Trump who – with 9% support – is the best supported Republican amongst our UK panel. Her 41% lead over the GOP’s controversial frontrunning candidate amongst Brits contrasts with her slender 3.1% lead amongst Americans in RealClearPolitics’ poll of polls of head-to-heads with the billionaire hotelier.
Senators Marco Rubio of Florida and Ted Cruz of Texas each get just 3% backing. This will partly reflect the fact that the vast majority of UK voters have simply never heard of the two first-term senators – but will also likely reflect a lack of sympathy for their views on evangelical Christianity, gun rights and abortion. In stark contrast, Senator Sanders’ views on socialised medicine and tight controls on political donations may damn him in US states like Texas but are mainstream even amongst UK Tories. Sanders has more votes from Brits than all of the four Republican candidates that were tested by YouGov (Ben Carson, Cruz, Rubio and Trump) put together.
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