19 November 2015

The five stages of Corbynista denial


‎Such a lot is going wrong for Jeremy Corbyn and his supporters that one can become blasé about new revelations. The Sun reports that the Shadow Chancellor signed up to a series of stupid demands made by Hardline Socialist Bampots for a Labour Defeat (or some such fringe organisation.) One of the demands was the abolition of MI5. To say the least, in this of all weeks, with security fears gripping the nation post-Paris, this was not the news that Labour needed. But there then began the ritual, to which we are all becoming used, in which the Corbynistas go into an angry spiral of denial.

Below is my handy guide to what to look out for when the next catastrophe hits Corbyn-led Labour, when Jeremy appoints Arthur Scargill to oversee his foreign policy, or Fidel Castro is drafted in as Shadow Minister for nationalising supermarkets, or a Corbyn adviser advocates the firebombing of the BBC’s Antiques Roadshow on the basis that the programme is a capitalist plot.

Here are the five stages of Corbynista denial.

1) Jeremy or John has been taken out of context by the disgraceful Tory lickspittle mainstream media and their running dog lackeys, otherwise known as the voters.

2) Jeremy did not say what you saw him say on television.

3) The allegation is not ‎even true! There is nothing to apologise for.

4) ‎Ok, it is true.

5) Everyone involved has apologised. No-one out there cares about this stuff. Next…

Iain Martin is Editor of CapX.