5 August 2022

The CapX Podcast: Madeline Grant on the age of ‘vibes politics’


This week we were delighted to welcome one of the stars of the centre-right media landscape, Madeline Grant. After starting out in thinktank world at the Institute of Economic Affairs, Madeline has since forged a path in journalism as a comment editor, columnist and latterly sketch-writer at the Daily Telegraph.

There was plenty for us to chew over, from Rishi’s green belt proposals to Liz’s regional pay U-turn. We also dived into a potted Scottish history lesson, SNP-style. Finally, we turn our attention to the Mother of Parliaments itself – and the dire state of the Palace of Westminster, which seems like a rather fitting metaphor for some of the pathologies of British politics.



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John Ashmore is Editor of CapX.